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Optical metrology

A device for the color measurement and detection of spots on the skin

Optical metrology
Agusti Pinto
研发工程经理,物理学博士 at Sensofar Medical | Other articles

2003 年,Agustí 获得富布赖特奖学金,在加州大学欧文分校从事大型拼合式望远镜的定相研究。
他的研究领域包括光学测量和大型拼合式望远镜的定相。他的研究工作帮助 Sensofar 在创新和最高技术水平方面始终保持领先地位。

A device for the color measurement and detection of spots on the skin full article
J. Pladellorens1, A. Pintó1, J. Segura1, C. Cadevall1, J. Antó1, J. Pujol1, M. Vilaseca and J. Coll1
1Center for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development (CD6), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Rambla Sant Nebridi, 10, E-08222 Terrassa, Spain.

Skin Research & Technology, Volume14, Issue1 February 2008 Pages 65-70


In this work, we present a new and fast easy‐to‐use device that allows the measurement of color and the detection of spots on the human skin. The developed device is highly practical for relatively untrained operators and uses inexpensive consumer equipment, such as a CCD color camera, a light source composed of LEDs and a laptop. The knowledge of the color of the skin and the detection of spots can be useful in several areas such as in dermatology applications, the cosmetics industry, the biometrics field, health care, etc.

In order to perform these measurements the system takes a picture of the skin. After that, the operator selects the region of the skin to be analyzed on the displayed image and the system provides the CIELAB color coordinates, the chroma and the ITA parameter (Individual Tipology Angle), allowing the comparison with other reference images by means of CIELAB color differences. The system also detects spots, such as freckles, age spots, sunspots, pimples, black heads, etc., in a determined region, allowing the objective measurement of their size and area.

The colorimetric information provided by a conventional spectrophotometer for the tested samples and the computed values obtained with the new developed system are quite similar, meaning that the developed system can be used to perform color measurements with relatively high accuracy. On the other hand, the feasibility of the system in order to detect and measure spots on the human skin has also been checked over a great amount of images, obtaining results with high precision.


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