Sensofar’s users papers
Yi Wei, Francesco d?Errico , Marian Vanhaeren, Feng Li, Xing Gao - Plos one
C.Levet, B.Helber, J.Couzi, J.Mathiaud, J.-B.Gouriet, O.Chazot, G.L.Vignoles - Carbon Volume 114, April 2017, Pages 84-97
J.I. Ahuir-Torres, M.A. Arenas, W.Perrie, Damborenea - Optics and Lasers in Engineering Volume 103, April 2018, Pages 100-109
Richard Sedl?k, Alexandra Koval??kov?, J?n Balko, Pawel Rutkowski, J?n Dusza - International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials Volume 65, June 2017, Pages 57-63
Almudena Estalrrich, Sireen El Zaatari, Antonio Rosas - Journal of Human Evolution Volume 104, March 2017, Pages 13-22
Valent?n G?mez Escobar, Ruben Maderuelo-Sanz - Applied Acoustics Volume 125, October 2017, Pages 166-172
Lucas K. Delezene, Melissa S. Zolnierz, Mark F. Teaford, William H. Kimbel, Peter S. Ungar - Journal of Human Evolution Volume 65, Issue 3, September 2013, Pages 282-293
Heide HumburgEike VolkmannDietmar KochJ??rg M??ssig - Journal of Materials Science 49, pages8040?8050
Stefania Bruschi, Rachele Bertolini, Andrea Ghiotti - Tribology International
N. Crisan, S. Descartes, Y. Berthier, J. Cavoret, F. Montalbano - Tribology International Volume 100, August 2016, Pages 388-399
A. L?pez-Ortega, J. L. Arana, E. Rodr?guez, R. Bay?n - Corrosion Science Volume 143, October 2018, Pages 258-280
Pablo Zuluaga-Ram?rez, Malte Fr?vel, Tom?s Belenguer, F?lix Salazar - NDT & E International Volume 70, March 2015, Pages 22-28
J. Neggers, J. P. M. Hoefnagels, O. van der Sluis, M. G. D. Geers - Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Volume 80, July 2015, Pages 26-36
M Mirkhalaf, S B Tor, V M Murukeshan, N H Loh and S W Lye - Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering Volume 19, Number 9
M. Parchoviansk?, J. Balko, P. ?van??rek, J. Sedl??ek, D. Galusek - Journal of the European Ceramic Society Volume 37, Issue 14, November 2017, Pages 4297-4306
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