Sensofar’s users papers
Vuoriluoto M,Hokkanen A,M?kel? T,Harlin A,Orelma H - Optical Materials Vol 123 Pages 111882
Song Xiaoguo, Alberto Passerone, Fu Wei, Hu Shengpeng, Niu Chaonan, Zhao Yixuan, Wang Meirong, Fabrizio Valenza - Materialia Volume 3, November 2018, Pages 57-63
Juan Jos? Ib??ez,Sergio Jim?nez-Manch?n,?milie Blaise,Ariadna Nieto-Espinet,S?lvia Valenzuela-Lamas - Quaternary International
Philipp Hoier, Amir Malakizadi, Peter Krajnik, Uta Klement - Procedia CIRP Volume 77, 2018, Pages 537-540
Ma L,Zhao Y,Pei X,Wu S,Yang FY - Measurement Vol 199 Pages 111555
Donatella Giuranno, Adelajda Polkowska, Wojciech Polkowski, Rada Novakovic - Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Doris Nekesa Khaemba,Abdullah Azam,TianLong See,Anne Neville,Farnaz Motamen Salehi - Tribology International
Kuang W,Miao Q,Ding W,Zhao Y,Zhao B,Wen X,Li S - Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Vol 35 10 Pages 401-411
Indri?i?nas S,Gedvilas M - Optics & Laser Technology Vol 153 Pages 108187
Wang Y,Zhou T,Riemer O,Heidhoff J,Li M,Karpuschewski B,Gorb SN,Schaber CF - Tribology International Vol 176 Pages 107708
A. Aliane,J-L. Ouvrier-Buffet,L. Dussopt,V. Goudon, W. Rabaud,H. Kaya,R. Torrecillas,P. Agn?se,O. Adami,L. Rodriguez,V. Reveret,A. Poglitsch - Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
J. Pina-Estany, A.A. Garc?a-Granada, E. Corull-Massana - Optical Materials Volume 79, May 2018, Pages 372-380
A. Syring, T. Fricke-Begemann, J. Ihlemann - Applied Surface Science Volume 261, 15 November 2012, Pages 68-74
Zhang Q,Wang Q,Zhang Z,Fu Y,Xu J - Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Vol 35 3 Pages 525-536
Marco Sorgato, Davide Masato, Giovanni Lucchetta - Journal of Manufacturing Processes Volume 36, December 2018, Pages 51-59
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