Sensofar’s users papers
Pavol Beraxa, ?udov?t Paril?k - Procedia Manufacturing Volume 15, 2018, Pages 327-334
Vera Gomes, Am?lia Dion?sio, J. Santiago Pozo-Antonio, Teresa Rivas, Alberto Ramil - Construction and Building Materials Volume 188, 10 November 2018, Pages 621-632
E.Rodr?guez-Vidal, C.Sanz, J.Etxarri, A.Bejarano, Y.Lebour, R.Malet - Procedia CIRP Volume 74, 2018, Pages 568-572
Brian P. Tanis, Larisa R. G. DeSantis, Rebecca C. Terry - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Volume 508, 1 November 2018, Pages 129-138
Li?eira del R?o JM,Rial R,L?pez ER,Fern?ndez J - Journal of Molecular Liquids Vol 366 Pages 120271
Schr?der N,Fischer C,Soldera M,Bouchard F,Voisiat B,Fabi?n Lasagni A - Materials Letters Vol 324 Pages 132794
Zhai J,Zhang Q,Zhu Y - Optics & Laser Technology Vol 155 Pages 108403
Wang Y,Zhou T,Riemer O,Heidhoff J,Li M,Karpuschewski B,Gorb SN,Schaber CF - Tribology International Vol 176 Pages 107708
Chen Z,Feng P,Wang J,Feng F,Zha H - CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology Vol 39 Pages 1-17
Christa D. Kelly,Christopher W. Schmidt, Ruggero D'Anastasio - Dental Wear in Evolutionary and Biocultural Contexts
Mikhael El-Khoury,Sabri Alamri,Bogdan Voisiat,Tim Kunze,Andr?s Fabi?n Lasagni - Materials Letters
Lia PrevedelloFederica MichielinManuel BalconEnrico SavioPiero PavanNicola Elvassore - Annals of Biomedical Engineering 47, pages231?242
Shahabi M,Reddy T,Rollett AD,Narra SP - Materials Characterization Vol 190 Pages 112027
Basyrova L,Brasse G,Loiko P,Grygiel C,Sol? RM,Aguil? M,D?az F,Mateos X,Benayad A,Doualan JL,Camy P - Optical Materials Vol 132 Pages 112574
Jamil M,He N,Huang X,Zhao W,Gupta MK,Khan AM - Measurement Vol 191 Pages 110821
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