Sensofar’s users papers
Brian P. Tanis, Larisa R. G. DeSantis, Rebecca C. Terry - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Volume 508, 1 November 2018, Pages 129-138
Zhao G,Xin L,Li L,Zhang Y,He N,Hansen HN - Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Vol Pages
Fabrizio Valenza, Sofia Gambaro, Maria Luigia Muolo, Milena Salvo, Valentina Casalegno - Journal of the European Ceramic Society Volume 38, Issue 11, September 2018, Pages 3727-3734
A. Syring, T. Fricke-Begemann, J. Ihlemann - Applied Surface Science Volume 261, 15 November 2012, Pages 68-74
Zhang L,Ding C,Han Y,Zhang Z,Fan C - Tribology International Vol 175 Pages 107837
Jamil M,He N,Zhao W,Khan AM,Xiang H,Gupta MK,Iqbal A - Journal of Manufacturing Processes Vol 80 Pages 152-160
L?pez AJ,Pozo-Antonio JS,Moreno A,Rivas T,Pereira D,Ramil A - Journal of Building Engineering Vol 51 Pages 104176
Aline Galland, Alain Queffelec, Sol?ne Caux, Jean-Guillaume Bordes - Journal of Archaeological Science
M. Alejandra Mazo, Isabel Padilla, Aitana Tamayo, Jos? I. Robla, Juan Rubio - Solar Energy Volume 173, October 2018, Pages 256-267
Angervo I,Saloaro M,Palonen H,Huhtinen H,Paturi P,M?kel? T,Majumdar S - Applied Surface Science Vol 589 Pages 152854
Christa D. Kelly,Christopher W. Schmidt, Ruggero D'Anastasio - Dental Wear in Evolutionary and Biocultural Contexts
Yan G,Yang K,Li W,Li Z,Yin X,Xia M - Measurement Vol 189 Pages 110437
Redka D,Winter J,Gadelmeier C,Djuranovic A,Glatzel U,Min?r J,Huber HP - Applied Surface Science Vol 594 Pages 153427
Ferreira DF,Vieira JS,Rodrigues SP,Miranda G,Oliveira FJ,Oliveira JM - Wear Vol 488-489 Pages 204179
Sascha Teutoburg-Weiss,Frank Sonntag,Katja G?nther,Andr?s Fabi?n Lasagni - Optics & Laser Technology
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