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Sensofar collaborates in TracOptic European project for Traceable industrial 3D roughness

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Sensofar is pleased, once again, to be part of a highly relevant European project in the field of metrology; TracOptic European project for Traceable industrial 3D roughness.
The project is called TracOptic and it belongs to the Euramet call in which only national metrology centers with funding and collaborating research centers, can participate.

Sensofar, as a private company and specialized in surface measurement, is willing to support the consortium of the planned project ” Traceable industrial 3D roughness and dimensional measurement using optical 3D microscopy and optical distance sensors” as Stakeholder and will be supporting two project partners who are part of the consortium:


Optical measuring systems have widespread applications in surface and coordinate metrology. These systems are fast, have high resolution, and can operate in contactless and non-destructive mode; aspects which are essential for the factory of the future. However, optical measurements are often not traceable due to the complexity of the interaction between the measurand and measuring system. The project aims to improve the measurement infrastructure to enable the traceable industrial 3D roughness measurement together with form and dimension, and develop guidance to end-users, therefore supporting the successful implementation of dimensional metrology in industry.

Sensofar aims to contribute to this project taking advantage of his great experience in optical metrology and his deep knowledge in the industrial market by:

   Expressing the needs in optical measurement of roughness, waviness, form or dimension to the consortium
   Communicating how Sensofar will make use of the outcomes from the research and if the outcomes are still relevant
   Providing test measurements with the S neox system using Confocal, Ai Focus Variation and Interferometry technologies to the consortium
   Contributing with the S neox, our flagship system to comparison measurements
   Contributing to standardization work in ISO25178 committee, of which Sensofar has been a member since 2007,  TC213-WG16

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