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Sensofar within the Firearms and Toolmarks identification field

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The Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners – FBI Academy, Quantico, VA November 7, 2019
(Above picture)

Sensofar has taken another step forward this past year by participating in various technical conferences and hands-on workshops (represented among others by FBI and/or NIST) like ENFSI 2019, TWG3D2T (&3DED) and AFTE 2019 to highlight the need of 3D optical profilers, within the scientific community of forensic Firearms and Toolmarks identification.

Cristina CadevallVP Software in Sensofar Metrology, during the TWG3D2T event

Even the police forces consider the future to be in the 3D!

Our main goal of action is to keep continual dialogue with current users in order to identify critical needs and establish Standard Operations Protocols (SOP). In contrast to existing Automated Ballistic Identification Systems (ABIS), optical profilers offer an open platform for expert investigations. Sensofar’s Confocal and AiFV (Active illumination Focus Variation) technologies combined with our objective identification algorithm, makes Sensofar an outstanding addition to comparison microscopes.
Measurements can be saved in x3p format defined by the Open Forensics Metrology consortium to allow free exchange and comparison of 3D scans obtained by different instruments at different labs.

3D measurements of a SRM 2460a reference bullet

With just one scanning system, several users can analyze data in parallel and/or at different locations

Sensofar’s 3D Optical Profiler’s Speed, Accuracy, Precision and Versatility accompanied by our forensic SensoCOMP1 & SensoMATCH2 softwares, makes Sensofar an excellent partner for the forensic laboratories.

Our next steps within the sector will cover:

   Specific trainings for law enforcement agencies (Virtual Microscopy and Objective Identification)

   Development of new applications, keeping in mind the great versatility and adaptation to the client that characterizes Sensofar

   Coming Soon, a specific section will be included on our website detailing Sensofar’s solutions for the forensic Firearms and Toolmarks identification field. It will include specific materials, real case studies, webinars and small videos with 3D scans of samples made for the sector.

**SensoCOMP1 is a Sensofar’ solution for 3D virtual microscopy. SensoCOMP is able to load Topographies in X3P, PLUX and SUR formats. SensoCOMP is freeware software easily downloadable.

**SensoMATCH2 streamlines toolmarks comparison tasks by analyzing pairs of IC surfaces mathematically and extracting the mean profiles from each surface to calculate a cross correlation function (CCFmax). A single composite score is calculated for each bullet pair: Sequence Average Maximum (SAM).

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