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Webinars & talks

Quantitative measurement & automated bullet comparison using HR optical 3D surface metrology

Vice-president Software, Ph.D. in Physics (Optical Engineering), Technical Engineering in Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering at Sensofar Metrology |  Other articles

Partner at Sensofar since 2004.
Experienced Research & Development Specialist, Cristina works at CD6 as R&D Engineer since 1996 and she is Software Manager at Sensofar Tech SL since it’s foundation in 2001 and VP Software since 2017. The research interests include optical metrology, surface metrology, image processing and computing sciences. Since 2010 she is developing the use of three-dimensional (3D) topographical analysis in firearms analysis.

In order to further that effort, we will present a method for making accurate topographic measurements of bullet land surfaces, along with a methodology to extract individual characteristics and calculate a composite comparison score between two bullets.

This makes it possible to automatically process large batches of bullets for comparison and provide the examiners with a list of probable bullet matches by applying filtering criteria on comparison scores.

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