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Webinars & talks

All you need to know about the ISO 25178: Surface Texture Characterization

Product Specialist and Content Marketing Specialist at Sensofar Metrology |  Other articles

Natalia joined Sensofar shortly after finishing her bachelor’s degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) 2018. Since then, she has provided technical and application support for the Sales team and the training and installation of systems for prospective clients and customers. In 2020, Natalia moved to Silicon Valley for a year to provide metrological support to high-tech companies. Following her previous role, Natalia transitioned to content generation within the Marketing department. Since then, she has occupied a hybrid position bridging sales and marketing, where each function mutually enhances the other.

Webinar: ISO 25178, Surface Texture Characterization

ISO 25178 is considered one of the main milestones in the characterization of 3D areal surface texture. It is based on the principle that nature is inherently three-dimensional. Thus, it is the first international standard taking into account 3D surfaces.

In particular, the standard defines 3D surface texture parameters and the applicable operators along with the measurement technologies and calibration methods.


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