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Sensofar announces UK Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) membership

Metrology, Neuigkeiten
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Sensofar Metrology, a high-end surface metrology instrument designer and manufacturer, today announced its membership to the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) based in Coventry, England.

With both the MTC and Sensofar having interests in pursuing advanced manufacturing and surface metrology, we’ll be working closely together to innovate future technologies alongside industry and academia.

Established in 2010, the MTC was set up as part of the UK government’s national manufacturing strategy with the aim of bridging the gap between university-based research and the development of innovative manufacturing solutions.

Sensofar commitment to the UK’s industrial sector


Roger Artigas, President & CTO of Sensofar Metrology said: “It’s fantastic to have Sensofar join the MTC as member. We will provide leading edge metrology solutions through the  participation on their advanced manufacturing projects for the industry in the UK. The company’s knowledge and experience in metrology for production, R&D and Quality processes will undoubtedly be strengthened thanks to this relationship moving forward.“

Sensofar, also provide consultancy within the field of metrology, and pursues a philosophy of guaranteeing advanced techniques, high-end systems & and high quality software with the best customer service support.


About The Manufacturing Technology Centre

The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) develops and proves innovative manufacturing processes and technologies in an agile, low risk environment, in partnership with industry, academia and other institutions. The MTC focus on delivering bespoke manufacturing system solutions for our customers. The MTC operates some of the most advanced manufacturing equipment in the world, and employs a team of highly skilled engineers, many of whom are leading experts in their field. This creates a high quality environment for the development and demonstration of new processes and technologies on an industrial scale.

The MTC’s areas of expertise are directly relevant to both large and small companies, and are applicable across a wide range of industry sectors. The MTC’s members include global manufacturing companies from multiple sectors. Research partners include the University of Birmingham, University of Nottingham, Loughborough University and TWI Ltd.The MTC is part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, supported by Innovate UK.

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